Observations on how the world works, according to our kids…
I got to thinking about all of the cutie pie things my daughter has said to me over the last 6 or 7 years (not that her first year of girly gurples and tweets wasn’t cute, it just wasn’t coherent)….and I thought we should really have a section in the blog to record those tales […]
Single mom and child showered with fairy dust!
I have just gotten over a week of being sick, sick, sick! (Basically I was as close to the flu as you can be without actually having the satisfaction of saying, “I have the flu”…which is actually not that satisfying…). In any case, a fairy sprinkled fairy dust in our household while I had the […]
3 Single Mom Traps and How to Avoid Them
1) Always feel like you’re short on time? What happens when you are presented with one more thing to add to your TO DO list? If you are like the single working moms I know, you say something like this in your head: “hmm, I’ll just plan better and squeeze that in between task number […]
Reading a book at bedtime…mom zero, kid one.
One night last week, as we began our bedtime rituals, I told my daughter I would read one book to her if she got into bed at time (which I admit I only do sporadically now that she can read – she’s 8). She immediately turned into a masterful negotiator, “Mom, two books.” And of course […]