3 Single Mom Traps and How to Avoid Them

Posted by admin on Oct 25, 2009 in Tips for Single and Partnered Parents

1) Always feel like you’re short on time? What happens when you are presented with one more thing to add to your TO DO list? If you are like the single working moms I know, you say something like this in your head: “hmm, I’ll just plan better and squeeze that in between task number […]

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Single Mom Falls in Love…Again…

Posted by on Oct 15, 2009 in Dating as a Single Mom

Falling in love and staying there is all about the little things, isn’t it? Okay, the big things help, but really, I relish feeling it in everyday moments.  Last Monday, I made a feeble offer to cook food for the three of us, me, my boyfriend and my daughter.  My boyfriend remarked that I looked […]

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No, single mothers should not be stigmatized

Posted by on Oct 9, 2009 in Articles

Articles like this one make me sad about how easy it is for people to opine about all that is wrong with single mothers.  I am Indian, and I have felt the eye of judgment pass over me as a single mother both within my community and outside of it.  Does anyone think I planned to go […]

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Ok so my daughter has just started 3rd grade..and I am of course very proud about it. Though I acknowledge that it's driven partially by the passage of time…haha…but still…

Posted by on Oct 5, 2009 in Crazy Days

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